Geoprobe® Screen Point 15/16 Sampling
The Geoprobe® SP-15/16 is a protected screen, direct push groundwater sampling device utilized for sampling groundwater from unconsolidated materials. To collect a groundwater sample utilizing this device, a stainless steel screen is inserted inside a stainless steel sheath, and a drive head is attached to the sheath. A steel expendable point is then attached to the other end of the sheath, and a drive rod is threaded to the top. Once attached, the entire assembly is driven into the subsurface using the percussion of the Geoprobe® rig. Drive rods are added to the string of tools as the sampler is advanced to the desired depth. Once the desired depth is reached, stainless steel extension rods are inserted down the center of the drive rods to hold the expendable point in place, and the drive rods are retracted approximately 4 feet. With the stainless steel screen exposed and the water table surface intersecting the screen, the extension rods are removed. The groundwater is extracted using disposable poly tubing and a peristaltic pump or a stainless steel check ball valve.